Salem Sue

On the way to the Theodore Roosevelt National Park we drove past New Salem, proud owners of Salem Sue, the world's largest Holstein cow, seen here with yours truly, posing to give a sense of scale.

Also on the drive West, we passed a delightfully pointless sculpture of migrating geese, on what is known as the Enchanted Highway.

The National Park had some magnificent landscapes. But continuing the animal theme, there were numerous bison, in two places herds of which delayed the traffic driving around the park (because they can.) We also saw bluebirds, deer, eagles and hundreds of prairie dogs, who live in burrows close together in "prairie dog towns." I peered into one such burrow, attracted by this fine spider's web. Moments later, studying the National Park leaflet, I read that prairie dog burrows often accommodate rattlesnakes and black widow spiders. Eek!

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