View from Port Appin

Lovely sunny morning, so as a change from driving somewhere we went for a walk round the local area. The walk was recommended by several previous guests at our cottage, although the details were vague, so we packed a picnic and set off.

We passed woodland and rocky cliffs then came along the shoreline and up a hill to a bench at the top which had the most wonderful views. This is looking across to Lismore on the left, with the mountains of the Morvern Peninsula behind. There are fuchsia everywhere adding vibrant colour to the greens and golds.

It was too early for our picnic, so we decided to continue the walk - only to find that we were back where we had started about 10 minutes later! Nobody had mentioned that it was a circular walk:-). We had the picnic in the garden of our cottage instead, in hot sunshine to start with, but it quickly clouded over and cooled down.

Later, we drove to Oban and enjoyed a stroll around this lovely town and being hugely entertained by a man loading his van on to a dredger by hoist. The van had several dents in it where it had obviously hit the sides of the ship on previous occasions! We had superb fish and chips at the Oban Fish & Chip Restaurant (much praised by Rick Stein, no less!) before making our way home to the cottage. A most enjoyable day!

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