A Falling Down Barn

My son Jeff and I played in a golf scramble today with some people from my church. There were 10 0f us. When you play in a scramble, everybody hits off the tee, and then you pick the best drive. Then, everybody hits from that spot. Then everybody makes the same chip, the same putt, etc.

Our team ended up 4 under par, and we didn't use many of my shots. I couldn't drive, I couldn't chip, and I couldn't putt, but...other than that, I did pretty good. We used quite a few of Jeff's shots. When he does connect, he HITS it.

After the 18 holes, I needed to drown my golf sorrows. I had hoped that a drive down a country road would do it, but the sorrows ran deep. So deep that I thought about buying the tractor, and becoming a farmer.

Why? Because farmers don't have time for golf.

Back to the driving range. Back to square one. My game is just like the barn...falling apart.

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