Life with Alice

By elirin


On the way to the forest, there is a dog club house in the middle of nowhere that is usually deserted. Today, we saw a whole field packed with cars from afar. When we drove past, hundreds of people milled about everywhere. Dozens of colourful tents lined two huge competition courses with hurdles, tunnels and all sorts of obstacles. And dogs. Dogs, dogs, dogs. Wow!

It turned out it was an Official two-day Agility and Jumping competition, with people and dogs from all over southern Sweden. Mum asked if we could stay, and we could! We met a really nice lady from Gotland who explained everything, and we got to see some truly amazing performances. Lots of collies and shelties, but we saw poodles, terriers and papillons and more.

I loved it! I wanted to run onto the course and jump and and do tunnels, and probably would have if mum hadn't stopped me. A bit scary, too, more dogs in one day than I have seen in my entire life before. But for one glorious day, it didn't matter that I barked, because there were literally hundreds of others that barked as well!

Can we go tomorrow too, please?

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