Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Big Bouncing Ben

A lead training walk pounding the pavements, including a tied up outside a shop wait (successful) followed by a bus journey, then a long walk through the Meadows. Very long. Archie is now fast asleep, even though I rustled the paper off a Tunnock's wafer...

We met a huge white greyhound, Ben. What started off as fun - Archie trying to catch Ben (pointless) then turned to Ben trying to catch Archie (also pointless) which he did after two big whopping leaps. Not such a fun game. Archie just lay down each time. I could see he wasn't enjoying the 'game' any more - his wee tail was right down - and he kept coming and sitting near me. Eventually Ben's owner had to come back to get him. This shot is at the beginning of the game...

Instead of getting the bus back along, I opted for another lead training walk home. Consequently I'm stuffed. I'm going to join Archie in a snooze soon - though not on the floor.

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