The Basilica of St. Mary of the Assumption

When we woke up this morning in Parkersburg, West Virginia...Lisa asked, "Can we go downtown? It looks really pretty."

Downtown we did go, looking for a park with a scenic bridge spanning the Ohio River, complete with a paddlewheeler. Problem? No boat, and fog so heavy you could barely see the bridge.

Part of me wanted to jump back on the interstate, but another part wanted to drive along the river, at least into the next city.

I put a place called The Castle in Marietta, Ohio in our GPS, and off we went.

The Castle was under construction, but three doors down was this basilica.

I'm not Catholic, but I do enjoy me a good cathedral. I did a little research on Google, and discovered that there are 4 major basilicas, and 1609 minor basilicas. 69 of those 1,609 are in the United States. This is the third one I've been in.

What a place. Beautiful doesn't come close. Spellbinding doesn't, either. Take your breath away pretty.

Travel over to my FLICKR PAGE to see a few more pictures of both the inside and outside.

It really was an added bonus, and I'm glad we stumbled upon it, and I'm glad we could get in. Perhaps divine intervention? Hmmmmm.

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