Peek a boo

I've taken three photos today!
One was blurred, one was off centre and this one.

Bizarre old day.

Daddy did nursery run whilst Wom and I did tidy up chores etc.
Lovely friend came round for a chat
Headed to the rescheduled weaning talk from last week via the pottery shop. Pottery shop was closed! Weaning talk cancelled but No one bothered to let me know. Witnessed a jerry springer moment in the carpark with two families waiting for a big social services meeting having a real humdinger in the car park. Popped to waitrose to collect an order. Bought food, got to carpark exit, remembered order, re parked!
Caught up on rubbish tv

Went for a review on Munchie, then got to see her new room. All very exciting. Home, bath run. I went to ballet, daddy did bed. Tea cooked itself!

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