Ightham Mote

I've lived in Kent for 38 years, but never been to Ightham Mote. Known about it of course and always thought that I must go there sometime but never quite got around to it.

Today, as we had our friends Al and Liz around we thought Ightham Mote would be a good place to go. Susan has been there before but for me, it was time to break my duck.

A good choice too and well worth the visit to this National Trust property. The house and estate have always been in private hands , with no really important people owning or even staying there as far as I can tell. The tour of the house proved interesting as it sought to tell the story of the building over the 600 years or so of its existence as well as the people who lived in it, mainly focussing on the later inhabitants.

There was another story also told, that of its conservation over a period of several years which was completed in 2004 (I think) At the time it was the largest and most expensive conservation project undertaken by the National Trust and they've made a good job too. The project was filmed by the Time Team series so important was the job.

Photography was made difficult owing to the dull weather and impossible inside as it was typically very dark in most of the rooms. The house and grounds would repay a further visit on a warm sunny day.

Food went well. All the stuff cooked for the first time turned out edible, so that was a plus. As usual on these occasions we ate too much, but it is only now and again and it's the gym tomorrow anyway.

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