........How much space................

......does one man need?

"Training" day............we spent a couple of hours going through schemes of work......a couple more discussing medium and long term plans............and a couple more on preparing for next half term.

Dave managed to commandeer four desks! None of the rest of us needed more than one............he either works four times harder than the rest of us..........or is four times more disorganised! I know what my money is on!

We had two twenty minute breaks............we had a little quiz in each break.

Here are five of my Movie Last Lines questions............and five of Dave's Periodic Table questions............I think you might see who is more of a quiz goer out of the two of us.

Given the last spoken line, name the movie
1. Well, nobody's perfect.
2. I'll be right here.
3. I wish we could chat longer, but I'm having an old friend for dinner.
4. Hang on lads, I've got a great idea.
5. This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo, signing off.

Name the element from the clue.
A. Element named after a planet.
B. Found in the kitchen but spelt differently.
C. Very rude element.
D. Does not like coins or banknotes.
E. Must be good at Physics.

1. Some Like It Hot.
2. E.T.
3. Silence of the Lambs
4. The Italian Job
5. Alien

A. Mercury....or possibly Uranium......or Plutonium
B. Zinc!............two different letters in a 4 letter word!
C. Arsenic!....really?...in a quiz designed for pupils?
D. Antimony!
E. Einstenium.........or maybe Bohrium (Nils Bohr)....or Curium (Marie Curie)....or Fermium (Enrico Fermi)....or Lawrencium (Ernest Lawrence).......or Rutherfordium (Ernest Rutherford)....or Seaborgium (Glenn Seaborg)....or Rontgenium (Wilhelm Rontgen)....or Copernicium (Nicolaus Copernicus)

Half term starts....the little ones tomorrow....and for a sleep over.........and then the North East.the news about Dad isn't good.

Das vidanya moy padruga

Thanks for the comments on my 1500 yesterday!

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