...a red head for jkj10.......

Alright it's not the kind of red head that she normally shoots....but she does like our maples....especially when the leaves are turning.

I'm back...almost human again...still got the aches and pains from the cat stealth attack on Monday....but apart from the sore throat that teachers always get at the start of every break....you spend weeks fighting off all sorts of germs from all sorts of kids, and then a holiday starts, you relax, and boom! the lurgi gets you.....I'm fighting fit.

Woke up at stupid o'clock again.....but after a warm drink......I went back to sleep...and didn't surface until 10.00! A whole day marking books and exams....over six hours of it...and then this evening one of the Boss' step-sisters and her daughter came to stay for the night on the way back darn sarf.

Up at a reasonable time tomorrow....a quick trip into work to drop off all the books and exams....and then the Boss wants me to go look at fridge-freezers....and then in the afternoon.....fishing....a bit of sneaky practice for Sunday's match methinks.

After that all that's on the horizon is sorted out the enormous work folder....a trip to see Dad....and bugger all else...good job too because the Boss is on night shift all next week so I won't be sleeping much.....but if the weather is awful like the forecast says I can forsee a lot of afternoon naps!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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