Gone Girl

Yes Squidge, you may well yawn. Long night wasn't it?

Oh my word. What is going on!? Squidge was up every hour in the night. Brought her in bed with me in the end and woke up this morning to her little arm around my neck (which was rather wonderful despite being exhausted).

She's a good sleeper normally but this sort of thing seems to happen when she's ill. She had a 3 hour nap today to make up for it though.

I negotiated a few hours away from the house this afternoon which was so needed after the last few weeks. Went to the Traff and saw the beautiful Xmas lights and felt very giddy about Christmas coming. Then met up with my sister Jo and watched Gone Girl which was incredible! Just like disappearing back into the pages of the book (which was my favourite book of last year by far!)

Turned out to be a pretty good Sunday all in all. Phew, needed that.

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