The diet starts on Monday...
... no really, wanna join in?
We had dinner with our neighbours last Sunday. It was a lovely evening, and went on way later than an evening out with kids really should. We left with two fast asleep children, so our hosts offered to collect up all the toys and games and we could pick them up later. Conor's illness intervened, and we only got around to it today. In the bag of toys we later found a jar of home made chutney and this box of tablet.
I should say, that we are lucky enough to have neighbours who run a very fine restaurant. And this tablet is possibly the most delicious thing in the world. (And yes, I am including Mr B's drambuie flamed venison steak in that calculation.) They're coming to ours for dinner next weekend. I'm trying not to feel all intimidated....
Odd day today. I have such terrible sinusitis that I'm seeing everything through a fog of pain, misery and grumpiness. Good day for an in-laws visit then (not) and to teach Conor how to cycle (hmm, ok) and to sit and eat a box of tablet (is there a bad day for that?) Best get on and eat all the bad stuff in the house before Monday rolls around.
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