wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

In the afternoon sun......

milkweed . I love it and have blipped it before. In the summer it blooms and smells like cloves and then these wicked cool pods with fly away thingys.
I love the sun on it.

We put down an oriental rug in my dad's bedroom this afternoon. It looks gorgeous. Donal picked up the bed and it fell on my hand. That was not a good thing. My knuckles on my right hand are bruised and sore. Let's face it people I am a warrior. HA!
I whined after injuring my wrist for not being able to play the fiddle. Turns out I still can't play the fiddle.......because I can't.

I had a trauma yesterday. Someone blipped a snake on my group I subscribed to. I hate snakes and they scare the crap it of me. I guess there may be snakes in Australia ...not in NZ I understand. Supertramp said they like green hiking boots so I will be buying a pair of leather ones this week. I also had a friend tell me that there are spiders that can bite through a fingernail. And don't read Bill Bryson. He is convinced everything in Oz is trying to kill you except the people. I think all the good things including people will make up for that.
I can't wait.

I forgot my fitbit at home this morning. That sucks.

As I lie here in bed I am cold and I need a quick nap before I go to chorus so I am going to sign off. Good morning down under!!! And goodnight to the north!

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