Busy day

We had a jam packed day. It was great, we all had fun but by the end of it when the rain poured my boys crashed and were asleep in no time.

Marley had a birthday party in the morning at his friends house Andre and Harper stayed for the 2 hours of fun and games. Marley had a great time.

While they were away and the sun felt like it would burn you as soon as you stepped outside, Kanye was in his chair while I cleaned the carpet knowing it would dry super quick

I was due to reduce Kanyes medications further tonight as its a gradual reduction every few weeks. I did so but early morning he had seizures and he struggled to breathe through them having a cold stuff him up so Andre and I were only dozing from then on out. Every time he had a seizure we got up and put him in recovery position to help him breathe.

Late morning when he woke he was very unsteady on his feet and tired so knowing Andre would be away i put him in his chair for safety.

When Marley got back we had some time to relax before Marley, Harper and I went along to the school fair. I got some cash for Marley to spend.

It's a 3 yearly event and it's incredible. It's run by the pta, parents volunteer to help and families and local communities donate items. It brings in a lot of money for the school.

Mar went on the bouncy castle and had some candy Floss. He's never had it before as I'm really really strict with lollies and candy. So it was a major treat for him.

When he'd had enough though he went to the toy stall and bought Harper 2 toys, 1 for himself and 1 for Kanye.

On our way home the weather turned and it was cold.

Once home Andre had to go to his friends 30th and it was a bit of a drive. Mar desperately wanted to go as did Kanye. I was reluctant but they had a great time running around with kids and having a bbq. They got home not too much later past their bedtime but they were keen to get into bed nonetheless.

Glad we got to do it all!

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