youngies journey

By youngie66

Banging Ones Nuts

Well after banging my big toe yesterday it is much better today, my throbbing eased later today as last night and through the night and early this morning it done nothing but throb and I also had to contend with a really bad sinus headache through the night making for a poor nights sleep with loads of broken sleep as well but a lemsip helped early on and I went to the pharmacy for some blackcurrant lemsip only to be denied as the pharmacist told me you can't take it if your on HBP tablets so that was a bummer then I had a really sore calf muscle which could have been caused by my dodgy walk to alleviate the pain of my sore big toe although my legs were all jumpy in bed along with other pains I had and I feel totally drained as well, anyway this lil guy is my blip for the day he was getting a littled frustrated with his nuts as he was banging one to try and burst it open I feel your pain Mr squirrel anyway an early night beckons as I rise at 01:20 am for a 03:06 start with drives to Glasgow and back then a drive from Dundee back to Edinburgh, anyway my squirrel shot shows him as he is about to bust his nut so movie for the day is "Balls Of Fury 2007" Go Large See Ya

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