Simply Me

By Suze981

New Toys

Call me a crazy cat lady if you will, but I've spent the day waiting in for 3 packages - 2 of which were for Wesley!

The good news is that they all came and I'm happy with all of them.

This was supposed to be Wesley's Christmas present but I was dying to see if he liked it and I'm sure he won't mind too much! It's a Catit Senses Play Circuit - a wee ball basically goes back and forward through the tubes and he tries to catch it. Hours of entertainment! Hurrah!

In other news I've been rather productive today; the last of the Christmas presents are wrapped, Christmas movie watched, washing done, fixed my music on iTunes and updated my running playlist and went for a run - and all with a cold too!

This was the first time I've run with a cold. Don't worry, it's perfectly fine to do and I didn't want to quit the Marcothon. The rule is anything from the neck up is ok to run, neck down is a no go. As I only have a blocked nose it's safe to go out - a chesty cough would have been a different matter!

Marcothon day 6 - 3 miles done
Running total - 20 miles

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