Robins to cheer!

6 cards received this morning and there is a definite Robin theme!

Apologies for lack of comments etc. I am feeling one degree under. Spent most of my week-end away feeling quite ill and had to stay in bed a lot of the time. Didn't even feel like going out for a meal (which isn't like me!)
Have a virus which is making me cough a lot, feel light headed, and very lethargic. Happily my germs will not be passed on to you!
Unfortunately my room mate at the hotel has also succumbed, which makes me feel very guilty.
Staying in the warm and managing to work my way through my stock of home made soup, as that is all I feel like eating. Not the pre-Christmas diet I had planned.
Life has been put on hold, but normal service will hopefully soon be resumed and I will be able to catch up on your journals and comments.

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