Loss, grossness and the best Bitch in the world!

This was my Friday evening.

Came home and Corin informed me that Zebra fish had died. Did another water test and it appeared that the ammonia level had increased in the water, but not significantly. The other two fishes seemed ok, one of them very active, the other shimmying, which can be a sign of stress. So all three of us went to the pet store, got the water tested and took some advice. Because we had bought the aquarium from them, and because we had the water tested by them before introducing the fish last weekend, they guarantee the fish, which means that they will replace Zebra when the water is stabilised. Advice taken about how to get the levels down - more concerned about that and the health of the two remaining fish - and surprise from the Fish man, as Danios are pretty hardy and it is unusual for something like this to happen. I was surprised, because Zebra was really lively yesterday. Seems strange. Sad.

So, once I had done a 20 percent water change in the aquarium, added various solutions to try to motivate the bacteria (good bacteria) in the aquarium and re-tested, the ammonia was down a bit. Leopard fish has perked up, Pearl is still darting about same as he has every day this week. I have been sat next to the tank all evening like a mother next to a sick child!

Fed them a few blood worms. Gross.

Then sat and watched 3 recorded episodes of Dynasty (or Dysentry as my Dad used to refer to it, when, funnily enough, I used to watch it on a Friday evening when I was in my early teens!). Pure 80's shoulder pad laden cheese fest. Glorious. Joan Collins - what an awesomely vicious character she portrayed - definitely the SuperBitch of the world in my book. And her hair - really ....must have been wigs - it never MOVED. I'm just watching the episodes with Rock Hudson in - which at the time caused a scandal, as Linda Evans kissed him, when he had at that point developed AIDS and the world was a less educated place with regards to HIV/AIDS than it is now (or is it?).

Time on the sofa with my boy and the moggies and a slice of Arctic Roll each.

Now its time for bed.

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