
...under the never ending pile of coursework.
I always said that marking would be the death of me.
It's possibly going to be the case!!! After spending the last few weeks tweaking, remarking, sending back to the students, tweaking, remarking...I got year 11 sorted.
Now it's the 3rd remark for Year 10, with, no doubt, further tweaks to make afterwards.
I hasten to add that it's not cheat tweaks - our coursework is an ongoing assessment and we are allowed to identify for the students the criteria that they haven't yet met, so that they can stretch themselves further. Which is great in theory. It's an ongoing marking nightmare of epic proportions in my book.
I loathe marking. It is worthwhile, eventually, but it is the most soul destroying task in the world at times - particularly when you know that you are putting more effort into the assessment and feedback of the work than some students invest in completing the work in the first place!
I suppose that's no different than it ever was.

Iron Man 2 was great - loving Robert Downey Jnr ...a minx to be sure!

Now to tackle my second great nightmare - the ironing pile.

Oh to be a domestic goddess.

Must buy a lottery ticket this week...then there will be no more marking and no more ironing. Ever.

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