All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Goosey Goosey Gander!

Ethan & I went to our weekly session of Baby Sensory this morning. He seemed to really enjoy it and the only time he cried was at the end when we were leaving. He then proceeded to howl the whole of the walk home and after a quick feed he conked out and slept for over an hour.

My Dad came over at lunchtime with my Aunt & Uncle. As it seemed like a nice day, we went for a wander at Beecraigs Country Park. Rather than take the buggy I put Ethan in the Baby Bjorn - first time I've used it for a walk outside. I think the 1/2 hour walk was long enough for my back though! Last time I was at Beecraigs was last year when I was pregnant with Ethan so it was nice to go back with him as a baby rather than as a bump!

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