That's me

For the second night running, I have just written nearly a whole entry and then I have managed to lose it. Last night it wasn't my fault, tonight it is largely due to my current status!!!

My friend got back from Zurich today. Her partner has got a job out there. She and her son (my son's best friend) are supposed to be moving out there. They have returned after a five day preliminary visit and she hates it. Our first conversation went something llike this

"Hi love, how was it?"
"It was horrible, I hated it, so glad I am back"
"Shall I go and get a bottle of wine"
"Yes, do you mind?"
"No, back in ten minutes"

Ten minutes later, I returned with a bottle of Campo Viejo, and 3 hours later I am blipping with my eyes crossed.

I have had to have 2 bags of frazzles, a bag of chipsticks and some chilli pringles to soak up the wine. I am such a lightweight - not had a drink since Corin and I got married (7 weeks ago). My eyes are crossed. I am quite impressed that I am managing to type to be honest.

So, we'll see what pans out with my friend. I'm trying to be impartial. But I don't want her to go, James doesn't want Jack to go, I know that she will be miserable and I don't want her to feel that way. I'm sure it will come right in the end. However, for now, I need to go to sleep as Jack is round in the morning whilst my friend goes to work.

Ugh. I feel a hangover coming on.

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