Hanging About

The last thing I wanted to do was to get up early and catch the bus with the rest of my colleagues on our work's 'family' day out. I say family like that because those of us without other halves or sprogs are actually welcome too! I'd signed up for it when it was organised a few months ago so dragged myself out of my bed, when I'd rather have slept on. Especially since I'd been up late, playing with the Blip-boys on PS3.

So we were bussed out of town and arrived at our destination by 10am, boasting a pool, spa, tennis court and various other activities for all ages, including a barbeque and bar to keep us fed and watered throughout the day. It was a good turnout, and it was a pleasant day. Now you'd have thought that being a free beer and wine bar, I'd have caned it, but I think I had three beers all day, choosing to play tennis instead. I hadn't played since China in 2008, so was a little bit rusty to start with. I eventually got my first serves in and managed to strengthen my forehand shots enough to win a couple of games. That was enough of a taster to motivate me into finding a tennis partner and playing more frequently.

I didn't however have a go on the zip-wire thingy, shown here. It wasn't that it wasn't long enough or high enough for that matter, but it was more the fact you had to climb a rope ladder to get up to the starting point. Blow that for a game of soldiers.

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