Me and my Monkey(s)

12 months + 9 days

Katie has realised there are two Monkeys. She has taken wandering round and gathering them both. She isn't in a place where she HAS to have them both, but if she CAN, life is all the better. I love the expression on her face, she's just so besotted with her monkeys. There's always one very very close to her! Normally, Monkey gets a bedtime kiss, goes in the cot, and then she has her feed before joining him. Last night, she wouldn't let him go to bed. And even when she woke at 1am, she had him clutched in her hand.

We're off this afternoon to say goodbye to a little family friend. I'll probably sound a bit of a geek, but my bunny Toby died and we have a bit of a pet cemetry for much-loved family pets, so today he's going there. He was a house bunny, so very much part of the family. He was happy & lively with more character than I've known in a rabbit, but also loved a snuggle... as my brother says, 'he was fun to play with- he deserves to go somewhere dignified'

We'll spend some time with good friends before, then after we're going to have tea and some time with her granny and grandad. I think it's likely I'll attempt to keep her up a little bit late, or I'm going to be up at 4.00 in the morning, with the clock change!

Happy Saturday to you all xx

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