
By Fisherking

Happy Birthday to ya, Happy Birthday.....

Blipworld, meet the Son and Heir.

This is Chris, today was his 26th birthday, we went to the pub for something to eat and to do the weekly quiz. Only..................the pub was full of families with little kids and students home from Uni...................So....... we had to go to another pub to eat...............and here a small miracle happened!

No the Son didn't buy a round.....I said a small miracle. After ordering the five drinks and five meals the barmaid asked if I wanted to join the Diamond Diners for the over 50's.
Avoiding the urge to get narked because she had assumed the Boss and I were over 50 (we are, but all the same) I was about to decline when she stated that membership gave us 25% off all food being nice and thinking "It won't hurt, we'll never use it" I agreed and filled out the form. Imagine my surprise when the receipt came through and the 25% had been knocked off the bill because the little darling had activated the card before she took my Visa card for payment.


We made it back for the quiz but didn't win tonight largely because I counted 8 teams using mobiles to google answers, still the Son had a good time and was delighted with his England Hockey shirt. He's a proper adult now, having moved out last week he now has his name on a utility account!

Tommorow I might blip on the demise of the English pub.....or I might have calmed down by then!

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