
We wandered (or rather, Mum drove) into Guardarma this afternoon to go to "El Corte Chino" which is basically one of many Chinese grotto/warehouses similar to the UK's "pound shops". We refer to them as "Tat houses" or "Shit shops". Whilst we were waiting for the aforementioned emporium of dubious delights to open from afternoon siesta, we went to a coffee house that Mum likes and took a while to deliberate over the the cakes.

Backblipped yesterday - "V" ...was ill and couldn't manage the walk down to mums to get onto the wifi!


I can be wicked, in a fun way. I am not at all waif like - I would rather describe myself as being built to last!

I don't like wandering around aimlessly - particularly in shops. I'm one of those rare girls who only goes shopping when she needs something - in, purchase, out, home. Done.

Wacky and weird. Witty and wry. I whinge a lot less than I used to. I don't often do things on a whim. Prone to waffling on a bit at times though.

I don't wear a watch. I am definitely not good at waiting.

I do not own a pair of wellies and haven't done since I was a child.

I like to think I am warm. I was born on a Wednesday. Apparently means I am full of woe. Might explain why I wept as I read my book last night - unexpectedly tragic ending had me sobbing me heart out.

Some people think I am a witch. I am just misunderstood.

A friend of mine, who is now in his forties, still calls me by the nickname he gave me when I was 16 and he was early 20's - "wardy" - On a ski-ing holiday with Mum and Roy, Battsy wandered onto the coach, walked up to me, and in his lovely Southern accent said "Alright Wardy, Barb tells me I am in charge of you for the rest of the week". I was ecstatic!

I have been seriously wasted 3 times in my life. ONce, at uni, when I woke up on the floor of a local kebab emporium, thinking I was in my own bed. The second, about six months after I had had James, we went to a friend's party and I was team captain in the fish bowl competition. I was utterly trashed, and when our friends were driving me home, they kept their finger on my pulse point in my neck because they thought I was fading away! The final time was on my 30th, when I missed much of my own party after getting royally hammered at a Japanese restaurant and spent a large amount of the coach journey home talking to Huey. I now only get drunk in the comfort of my own home and never, ever in a public setting.

I don't need booze to be way out anyway.

"X" tomorrow - not got a clue!!!

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