
By cracker

New Car!!

Kaz and I had our special day together today. Cheryl was here to look after Spence and we planned to go for a run in the morning, then go looking for a car, then visit my sister, Nik, then go to the movies!

Kaz and I went for our run, we met Robyn up on the road and she joined us for 5kms! We didn't end up leaving to go to the city looking for cars until about 11 so we were pushing for time! We looked at an outlander in Oakleigh but they wanted too much for it, we then went to Heidelberg looking at another couple.

On the way there a 90y/o (seriously, we saw her birth date on her licence!) lady ran into us! We were stationary in the left lane waiting at lights, she was behind us, then decided to go out into the right lane but scraped our back corner with the side of her car! We pulled over and exchanged details, she was a frail old thing so we wrote everything down and told her that we would contact our insurance and they would sort it all out. She said that she had had a bad day already with a health scare and we felt really sorry for her.

We got to the car place in Heidelberg and had a look at another Outlander but decided that it was probably going to be too much for us so were walking back to the car. I said to Kaz that we should see what price they would do and we ended up buying it!! They threw in some floor mats for nothing and said that they did the trade-in price including the scratch the lady just did to the car so we are going to call her tomorrow and tell her not to worry! We felt really good that it turned out that way!

We ran out of time to see Nik, but were in time to the movie! We saw Inception which we both really liked!

Today's blip is of our new car which we pick up on Wednesday!! Very exciting!!

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