
By Fisherking

Play your didgeridoo, Blue, play your didgeridoo

A lazy blip today.
Think the weekend caught up with me, and the weather was rubbish as well.
So I had one of those real can't be bothered days.

These are my two didgeridoos, neither of which I can play, in fact it's almost impossible to get a sound out of one of them. Apparently you have to learn something called circular breathing so you can inhale and exhale at the same time! Don't think my twenty a day habit helps with that!

The didge on the left is a fake, made of a piece of dead straight bamboo in Germany and bought for me one Christmas at the Continental market in Manchester.

The didge on the left is the real deal, from Oz, bought for me by the Boss one birthday from some trendy shop! It's heavy, bent and widens along its length.

Why do I have them? Because I've always been fascinated by them and the sound they make.

Incidentally, did you know that a certain Aussie entertainer, who made the didge popular with his song "Sun-arise" couldn't actually play one at the time of the recording so he just made the sound himself. Perhaps that's what I should do! Not sure it would fool anyone though!

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