tummy time!

5 weeks old

This is Katie's new tummy time toy. She had some money left from her greatgrandad, and this was the last thing I bought her with it. The box said 'suitable when baby can hold their own head - around 3 months'. Katie always could hold her own head and turn it, from day 1. So as soon as she went on the turntable, she got the hang of it! she was really pleased to be able to do something that she could move herself, and was soon turning herself round like a pro. We couldn't use it that often though as she was very refluxy and it made her sick if she'd had milk recently. Which was a lot of the time being only 5 weeks old still!

Uncle Simon came round late morning and we went to meet Uncle Andrew, Aunty Amy and cousin William properly. William was 9 months old and seemed huge compared to little Katie! He was eating mini sandwiches and organix carrot sticks and seemed so grown up! Aunty Amy had cuddles with little Katie and William came and smushed sandwiches on me

NB: the cards are still in the background - their display life was extended thanks to presents from Uncle Andrew, Aunty Amy and Amy's parents!

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