'proper little girl' dress

5 weeks + 1

Katie got given a big bag of clothes by my friend's mum, Lisa. There were SO many gorgeous things in it, but sadly a lot of it was too summery for Katie. But there was a really cute little dress - this one - that my mum saw and said was a 'proper' little girls' dress.

I think she's struggling quite a bit with reflux, triggered mainly by stress. Bless her, she's only sleeping in 5 or 10 minute stretches during the day and is pretty sick. Infacol was suggested but it only made her bring up more of the feed with the wind!

Today was the day my mum became forever more known as Granny. Her and Grandad came to see us for lunch, and my dad said to Katie 'here, go see your old Granny'. It stuck.

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