One more kiss

13 months 5 days

No matter how late one is, how busy one's life may get, or whatever inconveniences may get in the way.... there's always time for one more kiss. With your best soft friend, with Mummy, or with the picture in Peekaboo I Love You, if that's what your little 13-month old heart desires.

We were very glad to wake up to enough of a snow covering to look pretty and be a good distraction in the car, but not too much to stop us going in the car. Katie was definitely excited to see Ava and her mummy. And I was very chuffed to have a huge snuggle and kiss from Ava. The girls enjoyed gymnastics. Katie loved the 'climbing the mountain' that they were doing, running up the crash mats, and down the other side - despite her fear of the edges. She sat and searched the bag for various food items for most of soft play, so we left early to avoid the rush on the highchairs in the cafe and got her fed. We ate lunch with friends from church, so that was nice.

We got a surprise message from Grandad asking if we could meet them, which we did after her nap. We had a walk round then all went for afternoon tea. I got her some rice pudding for her pudding and she picked up and said "Katie's". First time she's said her own name. It sounded rather gorgeous!

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