Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Between Wonder and . . .

. . . and Enchantment!

We both love books, so when we saw this huge display of books outside the library in Rancho Cucamonga this morning, I handed my cheapie camera to Mr. Fun while politely asking if he'd take a few pictures of me between the books.

Knowledge, Adventure, Discovery, Wonder, Enchantment, and Imagination
I've had books take me to all of those places and I would go willingly again and again.

I wish my parents had known when I was little to read to me every night. I know it would have made a big difference in my life. I know they were so busy trying to survive in their own world that they just didn't. When my kids were little, because no one had ever read to me, I didn't know to read to them. Thankfully they both read well and they enjoy reading.

All three of our grandkids have loved books. When Ashly was little she was more apt to have a book in her hands than a toy. It's been fun to watch all of them enjoy reading.

Little Tristan, our great grandson, lives 1500+ miles from us, so we are not sure about his regard for books. We do know that he loves cars, motorcycles, music, and Spiderman.

I think I might sleep between Wonder and Enchantment tonight. Sounds like a place that would produce lovely dreams -- technicolor dreams.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. Thanks for all the lovely comments on Ashly's birthday yesterday. We had such a good time with our kids celebrating. I was just too tired to write about it when we got home. I seem to be under a cloud of "sleepy" lately.

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