
By Fisherking

......little robin red-breast....

O.K., I'm over last night's quiz really I am............definitely.........alright I'm not I'm still quietly seething about it, but I'll be fine by next Monday's game, last one before Christmas and the start of the second half of the season.

Another emergency blip today, missed a great sunrise because I was driving to work, could have had a great shot of hebs, but didn't have the camera with me. Almost got the Boss doing needle point, but she told me to B..... off!

Was going to blip tea, fish and chips from the new place opened by one of Rachel's mates, but it looked that good, forgot and just ate it.

So here you are, another daft Christmas present from a few years ago. My card playing buddies and I have got sillier and sillier presents for each other over the years, I mean what do you get for middle aged guys? So I've bought novelty bottle stoppers, build your own torch sets, novelty beer glasses, the list goes on and on...and in return I've had a photograph of the three of us in Girona, a frog money box, a pot smoker's ash tray and this little fella.

Still haven't thought what to get this year for them, but I'l see something really tacky and useless and that'll be it! God knows what I'll get in return!

Das vidanya until tomorrow.

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