As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

It's A Christmas Miracle!


I meditated in yoga today...then I took an easy science test (I got 100%). Then I had orchestra. I decided to go with Strolling Strings. Strolling Strings is a little group of orchestra kids that run around the school playing holiday songs. I can't walk with a cello so I took my brother's violin and figured out a few of the songs. I did that 3rd and 4th period. We got screamed at by one of the English teachers...what a Grinch! Then he called security on us...but our orchestras teacher said that she got approval for this and our new dean seemed to like it. Whatever....we just avoided that hallway for the rest of the day.

Math :D We had our math secret santa party. I had Jack and I got him a pair of gloves and a hat for winter track. Anthony got me a $10 iTunes gift card. Best gift of the day goes to Kaitlin for getting Kenny Glenn Beck's Common Sense. He loved it so much he screamed and ran to hug Kaitlin. Kaitlin doesn't like physical contact so she cringed and looked like he was going to puke... We ate food and talked all period. Just as we started to open presents, it started to snow, so I yelled, "It's a Christmas miracle!" (Hence the title). I had Jess take a class picture for me. You can see Gabby, Jack, Zach, and Casey being distracted, Kenny trying to touch Pat's golden hair, Richard playing with a Rubix cube and Tommy giving Alexa bunny ears. That's my class right there, and I love it :D

Me, Alyssa, Kaitlin, Avery, Lindsey, and Mike sat in Mr. A's room during our lunch and watched a movie. The rest of the day was pointless... We got out one period early for an "emergency evacuation drill." Basically, everyone has to leave the building and they can't come back in. What a drill.

At 2:30, me, Lindsey, Jaclyn, Kaitlin, Alyssa, and Avery went to Avery's house to do our secret santa. I got Lindsey a pair of gloves and slippers. Kaitlin got me York peppermint patty pieces and a really cool Hollister t-shirt. Lindsey gave everyone a pair of gloves and Avery gave everyone a bag of candy. We chilled there for about two hours and then we all left.

At 8:00, I went to Brimo's for my last secret santa. I got Brendan a pair of gloves and a hat for winter track and Julie got me a Pillow Pet. :D Everyone had fun and I know I enjoyed myself.

Now I'm home and I'm really tired... I'm getting a haircut and my cello fixed tomorrow...

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