As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Dunking Babies Into Tubs Of Baby Powder

Did you know that you're actually NOT supposed to use baby powder on babies?

That's what we talked about in science... My English teacher ignored her students' questions and played with my Nook all period. We did less work than usual in math. I'm never going to finish my art project. That's official. Our Italian teacher left the room today in a hurry. She ran to the bathroom, threw up, and came back and taught our class. Another teacher was in the room and offered to cover for her and said she could leave but she stayed... I bought candy from the school store during global.

I went to Rube Goldberg today instead of track. I found out something exciting that I can't say yet but hopefully I will be able to soon! Me, Kaitlin, and Kyle spent 40 minutes trying to watch the Ok Go music video for This Too Shall Pass. It didn't work. :( Then we decided to change Mrs. M's background to a creepy picture of a creepy guy. We literally typed "creepy guy" into Google and picked one. At first, we tried to get one of my blips but it wouldn't work. :(

I went home and chilled until choir. We didn't do much. I didn't feel like playing the cello so I just sang. When I got home, I had a cello lesson. I'm picking my NYSSMA solo and Grace (my teacher) is going to help with the quartet piece.

Sorry for the picture...nothing exciting happened today.

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