No time to waste?

By jt

The right one?

Even now, I don't know if I've chosen the right photo. Earlier I was beginning to think this might be the first day since joining that I didn't manage to get a picture up - now I'm struggling to decide between 3 or 4!

Miserable drizzly misty day here. Was intending to go the gym this afternoon, but my headache steadfastly refused to be shifted and I just couldn't face it. Since I was out anyway, went down to the river to take some shots of the 2 rigs currently in the docks - nice B/W shot, option 1.

The cloud just beyond the road bridge must have been breaking a wee bit (still low now!) and there was a glow on the water around the bridge, and with the extra light the cloud formations were clearer - option 2.

There's a bright yellow metal 'X' on a pole in the river - I think it's marking the power lines. Caught a crow taking off on its way back to shore - option 3.

Then looked east to 'the Ferry' (an area on the edge of the city, not a boat, for those unfamiliar with these parts!) and took a shot of it through the mist, which I since cropped to a nice murky panoramic - option 4.

Couple of decent shots of a shag fishing, but none exciting enough for consideration. Spotted some Turnstones on the beach, and took many many shots of them - probably about 100. None of which were particularly great, they were right on the edge of my range, even with the tele lens. Now wishing I'd gone a bit closer. There were also some Dunnocks hopping around the rocks. So in the end settled for this photo - it's not great, but hey.... The Turnstones were pretty well camouflaged, but this Dunnock spotted one approaching and clearly didn;t like the look of him. You may need to look closely....

PS - also spotted another/the same Great Crested Grebe as on Saturday - had the 'big lens', but it was much further away and moving out to sea very fast on the current+tide! Oh, and yesterday's birch was more copper than silver. Oops!

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