- from United Kingdom
- 230 entries
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I often take photos on my phone (iPhone 4) when out and about if I see something that I want to capture. Spontaneous shots suit me better. Having said that, I now have a sexy Canon 500D SLR so I'm keen to upload some entries using that too. I'm keen hill runner so expect lots of landscape Read more...
I often take photos on my phone (iPhone 4) when out and about if I see something that I want to capture. Spontaneous shots suit me better. Having said that, I now have a sexy Canon 500D SLR so I'm keen to upload some entries using that too. I'm keen hill runner so expect lots of landscape shots, and shots of my kids, the other love of my life!
I think blipfoto is a great concept and I'm glad to be on board.
Sep 23rd, 2015 Padding and swelling.
Sep 20th, 2015 A thing of beauty.
Sep 16th, 2015 Into the Valley of Darkness.
Sep 8th, 2015 Land cruising.
Aug 29th, 2015 Bottom of the Class.
Aug 27th, 2015 Groaning in the Gloaming.
Aug 24th, 2015 365 and counting.
Aug 9th, 2015 As the old joke goes..
Aug 5th, 2015 30 Up.