- from United Kingdom
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May 2014:
Choral singer, dog lover, genealogist, photographer, and reluctant caretaker of a too-large garden (though not necessarily in that order). I started this journal while I was taking a photography course, because it seemed a good way to embed the lessons I was studying; now I'm hooked a Read more...
May 2014:
Choral singer, dog lover, genealogist, photographer, and reluctant caretaker of a too-large garden (though not necessarily in that order). I started this journal while I was taking a photography course, because it seemed a good way to embed the lessons I was studying; now I'm hooked and going for the 365 challenge.
May 2015:
I just completed the 365, but blipping has become such a part of my life that I intend to keep on going. There are so many things that I haven't yet photographed!
May 2016
Two years completed, and now to begin the third! This journal has now moved from merely evidencing my daily photography practice to being a full-blown blog, which also satisfies the bit of my soul that enjoys words and likes to talk (and talk, and talk...). I'm now so busy that I rarely get the time to browse other people's images, other than to drop a few stars and hearts, and I'm extremely grateful to the lovely people who continue to look at my photos and read my ramblings, despite the lack of reciprocity. If you encourage me, I'll only keep doing it...
May 2017
Still here....
May 2018
And still here...
May 2019
This is getting to be a habit....
May 2020
Keeping on keeping on...
May 2021
Seven years and counting...
May 2022
Made it to eight.
May 2023:
Nine years!! I'm so close to ten now, I may as well aim for the full decade.
My most popular non-anniversary blips so far have been these ones:
Email: jks_d_o"at"fastmail.fm
Web site: Jill Orme Photography
Instagram: Jill Orme
Facebook photography page: Jill Orme Photography