Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Homeward bound

After a great but very late night last night there was an early start today as my parents were coming to collect me. Despite only having a couple of glasses of wine, the severe dehydration from dancing in heat had given me a killer hangover. With breakfast and copious amounts of tea I was felling just about human by the time they got here.

As I'd kept my haircut secret from them I went down to meet them at the car to see if they'd recognise me. It took a moment but the general concensus from last night and today is that it really suits me. We had some DIY to do in the form of building Milo's new viv and then it was down home.

Today I learnt that to get a good shot of Ali drinking water in the bath I need to use the burst setting. Unfortunately by the time I'd realised this she'd finished her drink and hopped out of the bath.

Aww look, a year ago I got my little baby. How she's changed.

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