Dedication and Open House

Kulshan Community Land Trust (KulshanCLT) is a local nonprofit organization that helps make home ownership affordable for people who would not otherwise be able to buy a home. If you'd like to know how they do this, here's a link for you.

Today Cynthia and I went to a dedication ceremony and open house for KCLT's 100th completed house. Speakers at the ceremony included County Executive Jack Louws and Bellingham Mayor Kelli Linville, seen leaning on the stair rail in the center of the photo. The smiling young couple holding a child below them are the proud new homeowners, and the fellow in dark glasses is Dean Fearing, Executive Director of KulshanCLT. Other members of the group were involved in the design and construction of the home, which is built to the highest standards of energy efficiency.

It was a very happy occasion. The keg of Boundary Bay Brewery IPA was the frosting on the cake.

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