Crib Service 2015

Christmas Eve is always one of my favourite days of the year. In many ways, more so than Christmas Day. This year was no exception. For the first time, Katie has been almost uncontainably excited at various points in the day! We had a fabulously busy day. We started out with a coffee and breakfast with Countrymouse - Katie ate a croissant that was about as big as her head! We chose a last remaining Christmas present that needed purchasing. Next visit was to see a friend of ours and we all headed to the garden centre to wander the Christmas pretties and enjoy a gigantic slice of rainbow cake & coffee. We moved on to visit friends at their farm. Katie had a wonderful time exploring their new loft conversion with a big torch and playing with large pieces of bubble wrap. And eating more food. Our next visit was to baby Keira, where we played with magic snow that I'd found at the garden centre. They had a fabulous time! 

It was then on to the Crib Service. Katie was really excited about this - she very much wanted to be angel Gabriel this year and was super pleased when she got to be. She delivered a dozen lines very confidently and looked after the littler children who were taking part. This year the service included Christingle which was extra special - there's something magical about Nativity-costumed children singing Away in a Manger by candlelight. 

One of the annual Christmas highlights is the party at my parents' house on Christmas Eve. We had a great time this year. We were joined by visiting sort-of-relatives from South Africa, who were excellent company and got truly into the spirit of our insane Christmas malarky. Kazoo "name that tune" returned for a second year. The food was lovely. And true to tradition, Katie and Aunty Kay snuggled for the reading of The Night Before Christmas. 

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