Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


Another lovely sunny day, eventually. Apart from giving Archie a quick whizz with the clippers, I busied myself watching BMX racing (great fun) taekwondo (bonkers) triathlon (crazy) badminton (brilliant bronze medal for GB) sailing (fantastic fun). Excellent viewing.

We popped up the hill later in the evening to meet Bailey and her mum. It was such a lovely evening that we had a wee picnic up on the bench while the dogs played hung around waiting for bits of chicken to fall. We had sandwiches, a peach, lashings of ginger beer and took in the views.

Our peace was disturbed when big lolliping Monty, the Giant Schnauzer, came bounding up, sensing food, and began to leap and slobber all over us. Luckily I was sitting down - Monty has knocked me over once before. He just about climbed on top of me to get at the last of my sandwich! Not too keen on big bounding out-of-control dogs...

Back home to watch the evening's sport offerings do my knee exercises on the sofa.

Bailey thinks she's hidden in the grass, while Archie seems to have mislaid his ears, but just look at those eyelashes!

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