Just the Withers......

By JaneW

What a day !!

Who has watched the film Home Alone ... Well if you have you will remember the beginnings where the two families are rushing about in turmoil to all get off on holiday .. Well that was us this morning The Uptons and The Withers ... Clothes,bedding,towels,bags,tea,coffee loading yelling .. All in an hour and OFF to cloudy and sometimes sunny Falmouth .. Great journey down two rest stops and Lucy managed 4 wee stops ... not small wees either !! Like a bloody racehorse she was !!
Get to Rolys .. Cuppa tea .. All babies delighted to see each other .. Off to ASDA grab bread rolls .. Get to beach with two disposable BBQs and cook sausages .. Shove them in rolls .. Eat a massive bag of chocolate .. Devour three packs of biscuits and two massive multi pack of crisps .. Mean while wait for RAC rescue to save my tyre ..
Can't ... Pay £119.00 for new one sigh
But I did not have much choice at 6.15 pm when places are closed and they only have one open with the right size tyre for mine ...
Back to Rolys .. It's gone 8 and apart from baby Red they are all almost naked and playing outside with the chickens ... Roly has promised us strawberries and ice cream ...

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