Madame! Catastrophe!

Today we caught the train out to Eze, a quaint, medieval hilltop village. We knew we had a very steep climb up but I'm of the view that any terrain can be conquered in a flip flop. I wasn't much put off by the numerous no-flip-flops signs on the way up and after a good hour's hike, we reached the top for a well earned beer and a mosey. However, we passed a lady on the way down who was much put out by my footwear. Madam! Catastrophe! I can safely say that no catastrophe ensued and we made it down safely. The only real catastrophe was the litres of sweat dripping from our bodies.

Rob helped a two old couples buy their train tickets and they all fell instantly in love with him. One lady, an American, took me aside and told me how wonderful my husband was. Even though I explained that we were just friends, she still gave me the wink-wink, he's a keeper speech and then continued to refer to me as his girlfriend. I've never seen four oldies fawn over a hot young Englishman like that before.

The rest of the day was spent in Nice, going from one Happy Hotel to another, sampling a range of free chocolate, wine, nougat and gelato. Free and food are two of my two favourite words so you can imagine how utterly delighted I am.

The day was finished off in the most perfect way, a galette with an egg on accompanied by a beer. Tres bon.

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