Running shoes

Being charitable, one might say my weight loss was proceeding slowly, although, to be honest, I don't think I lost any weight at all, last month. I'm in that frustrating place where I'm trying but not quite hard enough. Part of that has been the various jaunts and evenings out, of course, but also I've been exercising less, mainly due to being unusually busy with work.

So, arriving home from London just after lunch, today, I decided to get out for a run, settling on a four mile route, so as to leave a couple of hours for work before heading over to governors.

These are my running shoes. I've had them for years and they are holding together well. 'Accepted wisdom' says you should change them every six months or so many hundred miles. I reckon I run over five hundred miles a year but I never have any shoe related problems, despite not changing them regularly. In fact, I think it's in Christopher McDougall's book, 'Born To Run', where he writes about the correlation between expensive shoes and injuries.

There are loads of 'sensors' in your feet, which directly feedback to tell your body how to place your weight, hold your hips etc, and the more padding you put between them and the road surface, the more likely you are to injure yourself. Or so the logic goes. You can even buy 'barefoot' running shoes, which minimise the sole and I've mused on trying those out. For now, though, I'll stick with this loyal pair of running buddies. 

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