
best of the day was first thing on the allotment - weatherwise! clouds rising along the river and sun on the allotment making the dew glisten. Back home I moved some plants - easier than it sounds when it's a plumbago that is taller than me! Much cleaning of the conservatory and moving of other plants to make room for it! 
Quick journey to Waitrose where as usual we got more than was on the shopping list then the garden centre. I found not one but two watering cans that I needed! One for inside the other for outside! My old one had broken and the ones on sale were either too big or too small for indoors! Sister finally found me one a better  size but no good for outdoor or big plumbago watering! So got one for that as well!  I also bought six more lightbulb shaped solar lights - they last so much longer than solar strings of lights. We found the Schizanthus seeds that dad always grew so now we do too! Then we went outside to find clay pots for our Sempervivums and then had a look at all the other plants - I picked up an Apple Mint and a Chamomile and as my sister was choosing roses I suddenly spotted the peacock that had been making a right racket! They are like rainbows - not just in their colours but in the fact they are just magical to see! I didn't intend to blip it as had spiders webs from the allotment and had blipped it when I last visited the Garden Centre with my sister - but there you go - you never really know what you will blip till you come to blip! I guess it may become the tradition to blip it when I visit this place with my sister again! 

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