A Guard on Guard

I have 3 hawks that are in 3 different areas. Or...perhaps it is the same hawk with a 3-4 mile hunting range. I don't know. Maybe I'll set a high trap with a few dead mice...put on some leather gloves...and tag them. Could happen.

I got a few good shots, although he wouldn't let me get as close as he did the last time. I put 3 other shots of him on my Flickr page, along with a starling on top of a pine tree. I wasn't ready for his quick departure...so I missed that.

A word or 2 about my wife's 40th class reunion last night. It was a nice well planned evening...I'll give them that. Our 39 years of marriage was good for 2nd place. Another couple with 41 years cost me a lottery ticket door prize.

By not being members of the class...my buddy Dennis and I were free to sit back and assess the class. (We could do that because we are 1 year older, and much more mature.)

If 100 class of 72'ers showed up...about 10 of them looked really good...my wife and Denny's wife included. Some kids were unrecognizable. (That's why they use nametags.) Some looked like they have had a rough go of things. One guy had hair that belonged back in the 70's. Several women came dressed like hookers. One drunk guy wiped out on the dance floor, but...all in all...a pretty well behaved group.

Good people are still good people. Jerks are still jerks. Blowhards are still blowhards. Too loud people are still too loud. Drinkers are still drinkers. Nice is still nice.

Overall...a nice night. One thing I don't get. If you wait 40 years to see each other again...why does the dee-jay have the music so loud that you can't carry on a conversation? And...if you get 30 people on the dance floor for a slow song, and 5 people for a fast song...why does he only play 3-4 slow songs?

What a Ryder Cup (golf) disaster. I only watched the last hour. Must have been a big red-white-and-blue collapse.

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