Beautiully red

Beautifully red, like the colour of blood, of this magic liquid stuff pumped by our heart, keepin us alive... until the heart stops pumping... and then...

Sorry, sad day. I just came back from the funeral of my friend's dad. Being a rather emotional person myself, I couldn't stop the tears flowing into my eyes throughout the beautiful ceremony which was meant to celebrate the life of a wonderful man. I have never met him before, but seing his smiley picture and listening to the beautiful speech about his life stirred lots of emotions. I would have liked to stay for the drinks they were having in a hotel afterwards, but I just couldn't... They didn't want to make a sad occasion of it and I was feeling too sad, so I left.

I saw these beautiful leaves as I was leaving the crematorium and I took a picture of them.

Otherwise, I spent most of my morning defrosting our big freezer and cleaning the whole fridge and freezer.

Not much more to report, apart from having a really good time last night at the wedding reception.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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