Rain Brings New Growth

Dear Diary,

The fourth "unsettled" day in a row.  Not much outdoor work is being done by me or my helpers but Nature is working 24/7.  Auntie's tree, A Royal Crabapple, is sprouting new leaves, a gorgeous red when they first appear.  They will be two-toned, green on one side and red on the other.  It is one of the many reasons I chose it.  The light and rain also changes the leaves appearance and even without the flowers it is a constant delight.

The Locust trees are in full bloom (extra) although the rain has diminished the smell a bit.  We may get a bit of sun today and tomorrow it will be beautiful so I still have that to look forward to.  The scent will be overwhelming, like lilacs.  Then comes the great "fall out" when the slightest breeze will send falling petals swirling through the air like a June snowfall.  Yes, I may not be getting much done outside right now but Nature is putting on quite the show.

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