Friday: Barney

I spent another couple of hours in the dentist's chair this morning but I'm pleased to report that everything is now done.  Well, apart from a visit to the hygienist in November but I can cope with that.

Time for Barney to feature here again.  An interesting thing has happened.  He was settling in OK but was quite aloof and tended to wander off and do his own thing a bit.  While we were in Croatia on holiday we put him into our local cattery as our cat sitter wasn't available to look after him.  Well, since we came back it's as if he's had a complete personality change.  He is incredibly affectionate, particularly towards K., and never likes to leave our side.  He's become a real lap cat and so much more relaxed.

It's as if he realized, once we came to collect him from the cattery, that this really was his forever home.  

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