Point to the Setta

I jokingly told suggested yesterday to Blip buddy BryanImagining that we shouldn't have any CHRISTmas images until December 1st. He posted a nice lit-up house yesterday.

So...my question is this. Does a poinsettia qualify as a CHRISTmas image?

I'll say no, and I'll think I'll have the distinguished Mr. Webster (dictionary) on my side. Definition? A Mexican and Central American plant of the spurge family, with yellow flowers surrounded by tapering red leaves. Thank you Mr. Webster, and you gotta love the Spurges.

No mention at all of it being a CHRISTmas flower...nor of it being a holiday flower. So...here's my 99 cent non-holiday poinsettia from Home Depot. I got up at 5:45 a.m. on Black Friday to get her and 2 of her cousins.

One of my comments this week asked this question. "Why don't the men have the babies?" The answer was..."Because they can't even stand a cold." That's not particularly funny (it got a long smile...tops), and I refuse to say who said it (hint: it was a she), but it's probably sadly true.

I'm still dragging, although I forced myself away from ESPN to do some painting. (Raising my Alka-Seltzer Plus)..."HERE'S TO AN UN-SCRATCHY THROAT...AND A LITTLE VIM AND VIGOR!!!"

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